Monday 6 October 2008

Yeah Yeah Sunshine!

Was having a quick look on sevendaysmakeaweek the other night when I came across a cheeky little link to (the work of Adam Valentin) in the bottom right hand corner of Week 19.

Anyway, this image caught my eye purely for the fact of how simple it was presented and how clearly it conveyed its message to the audience.

Sexy, no?

As a result I thought I'd give myself a little mini brief of attempting the same sort of thing that at also managed to house my name within the layout; this is what I came up with...

I used CMYK for the colouring of the typography as it cunningly allowed for the first half of 'sunshine' to be presented in yellow and the second half (my surname) to be presented in key (black). I then used a pantone grey for the background as in the words of Phoenix:

"Grey helps show a truer colour than white or black (or so that Mac Suite induction dude said)."

True story, but I also went for a white finish non the less; just to explore what it might look like to the viewer.

So yeah, nothing ground breaking here but I thought I'd just like to share with you something I had fun messing around with for 20 minutes or so. Bo.



Ian Edward Prentice. said...

very sexy stuff, sunsHine.

chloegaleabagd said...

yer agree with ian - Sweet! Dont recon I could do it with chloe or galea! gay. xx