Friday 13 March 2009

Sketchbook Update

I thought it'd be relevant to post a few of my favourite images in relation to the sketchbook work that I have been keeping over the duration of this brief. A large amount of my initial responses were mostly collage based as you might have guessed and the main aim was to just develop a broad sense of initial ideas and to see where it might take me.

As an ever developing and progressing body of work however, many of my most recent contributions have begun to construct a way in which I am able to document discussion and conversation between multiple groups of people in any given area. Obviously given the fact that I am not the quickest writer in the world and definitely not educated in shorthand, the sentences that I have managed to record have often produce a very disjointed and sometimes quite funny body of text.

As a result of this, I'd be very interested in perhaps continuing with this direction of recording method and to see what sorts of dialogue can be noted down in longer or even shorter durations of time. They could make for some very engaging final resolutions that's for sure...


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