Saturday 21 February 2009

What is a line? - An Intentional Statement

To give some clarification on the 'What is a line' front, I have finally narrowed down my direction of focus towards two main areas; even though a third might act as an on going sub-exploration if you will? In opting for the stimulus dictating the notion of "a connected series of events, actions or developments" the most promising direction for me so far is increasingly appearing to be that of sound-scaping (possibly VJ'ing to some); as a method of documenting audio and video simultaneously. As already researched, many adverts on television tend to use this, not to mention the many artists within the music industry that I have yet to document on this blog. In reference to this specific idea, I intend to research into minimalist composers as this form of music lends itself well to the direction in which I intend to take this project; the notion being that music can be created in linear sequences where no two notes/drums are hit at the same time.

In addition to this, I am very interested in documenting the journeys that I will be embarking upon over the duration of the coming two months. I'm keen to pursue this through the forms photography as well as illustration, but more significantly through found materials that will allow me to produce collaged work within sketchbooks and notebooks. What's more, video recording may also be of some relevance should I cross reference my ideas back to the processes mentioned above.

Finally and perhaps less importantly, I am quite intruiged to document the deconstruction of various items, objects and events as a way of flipping the idea of progression on it's head. Although this is interesting on a more abstract level, I am not ceretain as to how much I may persue this path given the time available.


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