Over the duration of this module I feel that I have learnt numerous techniques which have helped me to develop on both a personal and professional level. In terms of hand crafted approaches, the most valuable skill I have learnt would be the process of binding and creating a full-section, perfect bound book. Not only did this look professional and slick given the correct craftsmanship, it also helped to inform my design process whilst dealing with the question 'what is a book?' Furthermore, in working with digital design for a book it was more than useful being familiarized with the program Indesign. Overall this definitely helped me to accomplish an array of mock up publications as well as final pieces.
What approaches to/methods of problem solving have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
On a personal level, I found this module really beneficial in correspondence to keeping a blog and gaining feedback from ever evolving updates. In addition, the habit of keeping design sheets and visually communicating ideas was essential in being able to develop my design process and therefore advance with the multiple approaches I had operating at any given time. Group work was also good in sharing methods of approach whilst rebounding ideas from one person to the next.
What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
From my point of view, I am particularly fond of the resolutions created where I worked alongside the subject matter in question; Joker cards in this instance. Most primarily, the bolt hinged cards were of significant success and should the idea have lent itself to presenting 100 cards more appropriately I would have most definitely pushed this further overall. In addition to this, I feel my research for this module was well informed and therefore lead to stronger idea development and design progression.
What weakness can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?
Although contradictory to the context of the brief, I would have liked to have reached a more professional level in terms of the final resolutions that were produced. Furthermore, I felt that in some cases I only scratched the surface with some methods of approach and as a result I would be more inclined to limit the range of design processes that I try to deal with in any given brief.
Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
1. Limit the range of ideas that I try to develop and instead develop a more focussed selection more comprehensively
2. Engage with my blog posting even more than previously as this seems to be an ever more useful process of acquiring feedback and development suggestions
3. Im going to try and keep myself busy between one module to the next as letting myself out of routine has notably resulted in a lack of motivation in some instances.
4. Build upon my skills with Indesign as I have come to realise this is a very useful piece of software; especially in conjunction with designing for a book.
5. Yes fred, I want to manage my time better! I have the worst sleeping patterns at the best of times and this can often lead to idling about the studio.
Are there any things we could have done differently that would have benefitted your progress?
Take a more aggressive line on how constructive feedback should be given, and not to book out mac suites and print rooms on days where you are going to pen in mandatory crit sessions.
How would you grade yourself on the following areas?
Attendance - 5
Punctuality - 3 or 4
Motivation - 2
Commitment - 3 or 4
Quantity of work produced - 3
Quality of work produced - 3
Contribution to the group - 5
Revealing ey?
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