What practical skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
Throughout the course of this module I feel that many valuable lessons and techniques have been learnt in terms of carrying out a design process both practically and theoretically given the decisions applied that help to inform an outcome. In specific reference to the 'What is a line?' brief, the most beneficial skill learnt in regards to taking an idea forward was the ability to edit and manipulate both audio and video footage using the software package Adobe Premiere Pro. Although I had already acquired the basic skills from my days in A-levels, I feel that since exploring what could be accomplished I have rapidly expanded and pushed my abilities further to produce a more professional looking selection of work. What's more, through being given a considerable amount of time in which to complete the brief I believe that I have been able to focus directly on improving my time management skills and thus keep a stronger sense of rhythm in relation to creative output and workload. This however could still be improved as at times I slipped out of routine, but with time management on the whole... there will forever be room to improve.
To look back further into module, the in class workshops such as Visual Literacy have most certainly assisted me in learning the benefits of simple crafting techniques and the advantages of working from cut pieces of paper. In addition, the ability to be able to workout how to draw in terms of perspective has also been very important, as well as the theories behind drawing icons and schematics.
What approaches to/methods of problem solving have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
As previously mentioned, I have definitely developed a stronger sense of awareness and time management through being given a significant about of breathing space in which to complete the brief. To be more specific, as a result of keeping an on-going sketchbook that I have contributed to almost everyday I have learnt that a considerable amount of work and work related research can be built up even if you only re-visit it for smaller periods of time, but at a more frequent level. In my personal opinion, this has informed my design process mostly in the sense that I was able to make more relevant and selected decisions on how to take my project forward knowing that I had a varied and able bodied amount of research to support and back up my proposals. Furthermore, as with the previous module I have found the past four to five months really beneficial in correspondence to keeping a blog and gaining feedback from ever evolving updates.
What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
From my personal point of view, I am particularly fond of the resolutions created where individual clips of sound were amalgamated to produce a representative sound-scape of the journeys that I have been on. Furthermore, in documenting peoples interactive paths of conversation I feel that I have not only developed a particularly interesting and spontaneous approach to data collection, but a method that also be both serious and humorous at the same time. Had I have been more specific regarding my focus, I almost certain that this would have been the avenue to explore further in order to create a more comprehensive and engaging final resolution.
What weakness can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?
Although this wasn't directly specified within the brief, I would have definitely liked to have allocated more time to producing and developing a body of final resolutions as opposed to a sustained progression on my overall workload and research. With that said, I am otherwise fairly happy in terms of conceptual development and progress; I would have just liked to have produced a lot, lot more and given myself the time to exploit its potentials for an interesting resolution.
Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
1. Limit the range of ideas that I try to develop and instead develop a more focussed selection more comprehensively... hopefully an informed final resolution will be achievable this way!
2. Build upon my skills in Premiere Pro as I have come to realise just how much I like video and audio editing; especially when united for a single resolution.
3. Again; yes Fred, I would like to have managed my time slightly better! HOWEVER, I do feel that I have made considerable progress with this aspect since the previous module.
4. I certainly want to draw more; I should have done more within the 'What is a line?' brief, but it ended up going down a different route. I love drawing and can't let my enthusiasm with this go to waste!
5. Be sure to document the progressive stages of ideas; i.e storyboards and so on. I think a lot of what goes on in my head is lost to a desire to progress rapidly with a resolution.
Are there any things we could have done differently that would have benefited your progress?
Not really; I feel this module is really well structured and allows for a level of freedom that helps you to develop as an individual. In all honesty, I'm sure there's something negative to say somewhere but I haven't thought of it as yet... I do like a good moan.
How would you grade yourself on the following areas?
Attendance - 5
Punctuality - 3 or 4
Motivation - 3 or 4
Commitment - 3 or 4
Quantity of work produced - 4
Quality of work produced - 4
Contribution to the group - 5